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TEA(M)2 - Together Everyone Achieves Mastery
Note - This is an archive site referenced by our current QEP site. |
FAQ and Overview
What does QEP stand for?
Quality Enhancement Plan
What is a QEP?
The QEP is a new initiative at Navarro College that will impact student learning; involve all campuses; and be measurable, institutionally data driven, and financially sustainable.
Why is the QEP important to me?
It is an opportunity to improve student learning at Navarro College.
What is the Navarro College QEP topic?
The QEP topic for Navarro College is mathematics.The goal is to increase student completion in developmental and credit bearing courses to meet student degree requirements.
How did we determine mathematics as our initiative?
An emphasis in mathematics was determined by surveying students and faculty and reviewing institutional data.
Who is actually involved in the Navarro College QEP?
Everyone is involved! All full-time faculty, adjunct faculty, staff, administrators, and students on every campus, including online, must share in the development and campus awareness required by this QEP initiative.
How will QEP affect me on my campus?
Math tutoring services at TEA(M)² Centers on the Corsicana, Mexia, and Waxahachie locations
Technology support in all math classrooms
New instructional classroom techniques