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We understand that times are tough right now, but good, in-demand jobs are still out there. Navarro College delivers fast track career options designed to quickly train individuals for immediate employment.
We’ve created a shortlist of training programs that you can get in and out of as little as 12-18 months and into a job. Check out the programs below and get your career started.

Business Office Systems and Support (BOSS)
Administrative and executive assistants are highly valued, collaborative team members with a wide range of skills that enable them to work in a variety of industries. In the Business Office Systems and Support program, our students develop competencies in office procedures, software applications, accounting skills, organizational skills, office management, and project management, as well as in the essential workplace soft skills employers demand.
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The Business program at Navarro College gives students a solid educational experience in developing effective leadership and management skills related to problem-solving, correspondence and communication, purchasing nd accounting, planning, staffing, marketing, and production control.
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Certified Clinical Medical Assistant
A Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) can perform administrative and certain clinical duties under the direction of a physician. Our CCMA program will give you the skills employers are looking for and is intended for students who want to prepare for an exciting, challenging and rewarding career in healthcare.
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Certified Nurse Aide (CNA)
The Navarro College Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) program provides the skills, knowledge, and experience required for entry-level nurse aides. Nurse aides typically provide basic care to residents of long-term care facilities. You will learn about residents’ rights, communication, safety, observation, reporting, and how to assist residents in maintaining basic comfort and safety.
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Criminal Justice
Do you desire to make the world a better and safer place? Do you believe in justice and protection? There's such a wide variety of paths one can take when pursuing a Criminal Justice degree at Navarro College. The program is designed to help prepare students to enter a career in law enforcement, corrections, or the court system.
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EKG Technicians assist physicians in diagnosing and treating heart and blood vesel ailments by performing diagnostic tests to assess the heart rhythm and rate in patients. The program trains students to become EKG technicians through a combination of classroom and clinical instruction that prepare the student for employment in the health care setting.
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Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
EMT-Basic and EMT-Paramedics are highly trained and skilled medical professionals who are educated to carry out some of the duties of a physician. EMT-Basics and EMT- Paramedics can examine, evaluate, and treat patients with equipment and medications usually only found in the emergency department of a hospital. EMT-Basic/EMS-Paramedics are typically utilized as emergency care practitioners on ambulances or on first-response emergency vehicles but their scope is rapidly expanding to many other areas
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Fire Academy
Do you enjoy learning new physical and mental skills that require fast, calculated action? Navarro College's Basic Fire Academy is a comprehensive, one-year program designed to establish the information and skills necessary to work in a fire department. The Basic Firefighter Academy serves municipal fire department needs throughout the State of Texas. Successful completion of the Fire Academy will qualify the student to take the state exam to qualify for certification.
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Healthcare Analytics
The Healthcare Analytics program teaches students how best to collect, store, retrieve and analyze complex health data to improve patient outcomes and advocate for the best possible treatment protocols in a healthcare setting.
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Hospitality Management
The Hospitality Management program offers contemporary, multi-disciplined, and specialized courses of study to students who want to pursue a business leadership position in the hospitality industry.
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The Paralegal Studies program teaches students how to be the best top legal assistant to lawyers and essential members of the legal team as well as providing an early exposure to the law school experience.
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Patient Care Tech
The Patient Care Tech program helps prepare students for an entry-level position in the healthcare industry by training them basic nursing care of adults, children, infants, and the elderly.
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Petroleum Technology
The Petroleum Tech program prepares students for careers in the oil and gas industry, where they will perform the duties of lease operators, plant operators, and in activities associated with the oil and gas industry. Companies such as XTO Energy, Chevron, EnCana, Marathon and Anadarko are interested in employing graduates from the Petroleum Technology program.
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Pharmacy Tech
The Pharmacy Tech program emphasizes the practical application of pharmacy mathematics, pharmaceutical terminology, drug packaging and labeling, dosage preparation, inventory systems and management, and customer service in a retail pharmacy environment.
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The Phlebotomy program is designed to prepare students to take the national certification test and covers the theoretical and practical aspects of collecting blood specimens by skin puncture and venipuncture for clinical laboratories. Students will learn how to apply proper procedures, equipment, and techinques that meet governmental standards.
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Police Academy
The Basic Peace Officer Course offered by the Navarro College Police Academy consists of 779 hours, of which 720 is required by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) curriculum. The program is designed to prepare students to pass the Peace Officer licensing exam given at the end of the program.
The program includes training in the following areas: current penal & traffic law, defensive tactics, first aid, patrol tactics, cultural diversity, and firearms.
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The Welding Technology Program prepares Navarro College students for employment in the metal and construction trades. This is a field that continues to grow and is very much in demand with a high family wage potential. Students will gain experience and competencies in all major welding, cutting and fabrication theory and processes.
The Program includes classroom instruction and hands-on-training in metal trades including safety, blueprint reading, metallurgy, power sources, tools and materials, welding and layout, and fitting techniques.
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